Heilala Gourmet Pure Vanilla Bean – 2 pods



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Our hearts leap when we see those tell-tale specks of vanilla whipped through double cream or folded through homemade ice cream. It signifies the real deal—pure vanilla straight from the bean. These vanilla pods from Heilala have a beautiful story. They are grown, hand-picked and dried in Polynesia, bursting with thousands of tiny, flavoursome vanilla seeds. Heilala cares deeply about bringing you consistent quality vanilla as well as ethical and fair processes for their Polynesian growers. Taste the love, care and quality in these award-winning vanilla beans for yourself.
A cut above the rest, Heilala’s premium vanilla pods are supple and moist, making it easy—and quite frankly very satisfying—to gently scrape out the vanilla.
Weight 0.04 kg
Dimensions 28 × 28 × 140 mm
Contains two pure and whole vanilla pods grown in Tonga Polynesia.
Keep sealed and stored in their container in a cool, dry place. Avoid direct exposure to sun light.

Meet the Maker


Heilala Vanilla’s origins began in 2002 as an aid project founded by New Zealander, John Ross, and his family. The Kingdom of Tonga had been ravaged by Cyclone Waka, leaving the Islands and its people shattered in the wake of an exceptionally vicious natural disaster. Partnering with a local family, together they established a small vanilla plantation that robustly grew into the world renowned humanitarian vanilla brand, Heilala Vanilla.

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